The Commission undertakes projects to coordinate and promote social and economic development in the Gascoyne, to maximise prosperity and well-being for the region, and for Western Australia.

One Mile Jetty Repair/Replacement
The One Mile Jetty Repair/Replacement project is a multi-stage project. Stage one included deconstruction of the jetty built over water and was completed by the Department of Transport (DOT) late 2021.
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Regional Drought Resilience Planning
The Gascoyne region has an opportunity to strengthen its drought resilience through tailored, community-led and owned initiatives across the agricultural sector and supporting industries.

Workforce Accommodation and Housing
The shortage of residential housing and workforce accommodation across the region is a major barrier to development in all the Gascoyne’s key industry sectors.

Gascoyne River Catchment Management
The Gascoyne Development Commission is working with land managers across the Gascoyne River catchment to improve productivity and enhance natural capital.
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Targeted Aboriginal Business Support
There is a rich diversity of Aboriginal people and culture in the Gascoyne, and yet, Aboriginal peoples’ economic outcomes remain lower than their non-Aboriginal counterparts.
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Destination Shark Bay
A collaborative approach to reimagining the World Heritage Shark Bay Region for new commercial and tourism experience ventures.
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Carnarvon Fascine Entryway
Carnarvon’s central waterway, known as the Fascine, was named after an 1800’s building technique used to construct the embankment on the southern arm of the Gascoyne River.
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Barge Loading Facility Study
The Gascoyne region is strategically placed to support new mineral, resource and renewable energy projects. A significant barrier identified is the lack of access to reliable, cost-effective marine infrastructure to facilitate the movement of goods into and out of the region.
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