Industry-led Biosecurity Review
Completed 2021
The Commission has long played a strategic role in strengthening biosecurity efforts across the $94 million Carnarvon horticultural district. Pests and diseases represent a significant threat to the horticultural sector. Strong biosecurity is essential to safeguarding production and ensuring ongoing market access for our products.
Carnarvon is one of the main horticulture districts in Western Australia, however, since the Carnarvon Growers Association Recognised Biosecurity Group was deregistered in 2020, Carnarvon has not had a functioning recognised biosecurity group which limits local growers economic potential. The Commission recognised an alternative model to facilitate industry-led biosecurity measures was urgently needed.

Carnarvon grape plantation.
In 2020 the Commission contracted community-based organisation Rangelands NRM to complete an independent review into the development of an industry-led biosecurity model for the Gascoyne River horticulture area, and build industry and stakeholder support.
The Commission worked closely with Rangelands NRM, facilitating broad industry consultation through meetings with growers, market representatives, peak bodies and other small business and primary production organisations to enable this research to take place. We were pleased to see this piece of work completed mid 2021 with the delivery of the Final Report.
The consultation process was welcomed by industry. The face-to-face approach enabled a deeper dive into the social, cultural and governance issues affecting the Carnarvon horticulture industry resulting in an action plan for the future.
The Report has achieved the Commission's goal to make available to the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development this valuable local research. The Report highlights the inherent complexities and past learnings, and includes recommendations on how both industry and government may move forward to achieve an industry-led solution.
Final Report - Industry-led Biosecurity for the Gascoyne River Horticulture Area