Opportunities for businesses
The Gascoyne Development Commission has a strong commitment to diversifying the region’s economic base, the growth of business and entrepreneurship, retaining, attracting and developing skilled people, and maximising local jobs.
To support this focus, the State Government has launched a Local Content Program to maximise the participation of regional industry in regional supply or works contracting opportunities.
Recognising that it can often be challenging for businesses to access and engage as a supplier, a Local Content Adviser works with the Gascoyne Development Commission to take a lead role in promoting supply opportunities and facilitating regional business capability and growth.
Our Local Content Adviser will help develop, promote and maximise opportunities for local suppliers, contractors and job-seekers in the regions by connecting to relevant government, industry, businesses, Aboriginal corporations, employment and training stakeholders.

Our Local Content Adviser aims to:
- Increase regional businesses’ knowledge, skills and capability to capture regional opportunities as per the Building Local Industry Policy
- Increase the portion of State Government and industry contracts secured by regional contractors and businesses
- Develop specific opportunities for regional Aboriginal business in securing government and industry contracts
- Provide regional perspectives to support decision making for the awarding of State Government contracts
- Maximise regional supplier and subcontracting arrangements and outcomes through Industry Participation Plans
- Engage with lead contractors and suppliers to promote maximum local job-seeker participation
- Monitor the performance of contracts and report best practice and instances where Buy Local Policy or intent has been overlooked.
This page contains updates and advice on ongoing opportunities for businesses as part of our local content strategy in the Gascoyne region of WA.
Information on the impact and outcomes of the Local Content program can be found in the Local Content in the Regions Report 2022-23.
Business Tools
Interested in making your business competitive but unsure where to start?
Below are a number of links to help you better understand government procurement processes.
Although we try to make this a one-stop-shop to businesses looking to branch into government procurement, the list is not final and is constantly being updated.
Aboriginal business resources
Aboriginal Business Directory WA
Supply Nation Aboriginal Business Register
Tenders and opportunities
Job opportunities in the WA government
Australian Government tenders
Early Tender Advice
Shire of Carnarvon Tenders
Shire of Exmouth Tenders
Shire of Shark Bay Tenders
Shire of Upper Gascoyne Tenders
Register as a new Supplier with Tenders WA
ICN Gateway – Private sector business opportunity register
Other Tools
Building capacity resources: for financial assistance and advisory programs available to help your business.
Government procurement information pack: for Department of Finance information guide on Government procurement, including templates.
Guide to tendering with WA Public Authorities: booklet by the Department of Finance.
How to complete a participation plan: a step-by-step instruction on how to complete each section of a participation plan for contracts with Western Australian Industry Participation Strategy (WAIPS) requirements, by WA Industry Link.
Other template and guides: used in the procurement process from the Department of Finance.
Reporting template: after you’ve won the contract, you will need to report on it. Here you can find a template from WA Industry Link.
Who buys what and how report: find out what agencies are buying and where to find new tender opportunities, from the Department of Finance.