Grants support a range of project opportunities such as feasibility and research studies, events, innovation and projects that stimulate industry development.
The following list relates to opportunities to apply for funding to support economic and industry development projects in the Gascoyne.
External Grant Opportunities
Lotterywest’s vision, as the only government-owned lottery in Australia, is to build a better Western Australia together. They do this by working with organisations across the State to deliver projects and initiatives that achieve outcomes for our communities.
Their Community Investment Framework is a road map to support that vision.
To achieve their vision, Lotterywest aim to provide funds across five priority areas:
- Inclusive thriving community
- Connected cultural experiences
- Protected sustainable ecosystems
- Smart innovative society
- Active healthy people
For each priority area there are supporting statements that highlight what outcomes you should be seeking to achieve from your idea to support the Western Australian community.
For funding opportunities, visit:
State Government Funding
The Department of Jobs, Tourism, Science and Innovation maintains a Grants Assistance and Programs Register which provides current and potential industry proponents with information on available state and federal government funding programs and assistance.
The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) Value Add Investment Grants (VAIG) Program supports agriculture, food and beverage businesses to invest in the expansion or relocation of their value adding and manufacturing operations in WA. It also supports the planning of expansion projects through feasibility study grants. The VAIG is a major competitive grant program designed to build resilience within the agribusiness, food and beverage value adding industries and reduce WA’s reliance on imported products.
Value Add Investment Grants | Agriculture and Food
Tourism WA
The Regional Events Scheme (RES) is an annual funding round for smaller and developing regional events across WA. Tourism WA supports events that:
- bring more people to the region, which means more tourism dollars for the community
- attract media coverage, which helps promote the region as an exciting destination
- involve and inspire the local community
- encourage people to come to the region outside of the typical tourist season
- add vibrancy and excitement to the region
- support jobs in regional WA
- showcase a strong point of difference and/or profile the unique features of the town and/or region.
From more information, head to the Regional Events Scheme webpage: Regional Events Scheme funding - Tourism Western Australia
Federal Grant Opportunities
The following link contains all current Federal Grant Opportunities (GOs) open for application. GOs are sorted by default with those closing soonest at the top, and those that are ongoing at the end of the list.
Local Government
The Shire of Carnarvon
The Shire of Carnarvon's Community Growth Fund has been designed to demonstrate the Council's commitment to supporting communities in the region by providing financial and in-kind support to activities that build capacity, encourage participation, and make positive and ongoing contributions that align with the Shire's Strategic Community Plan.
For grant opportunities visit:
The Shire of Upper Gascoyne
For grant opportunities visit:
The Shire of Shark Bay:
The Shire of Shark Bay administers three grant rounds per financial year, for equipment, community projects and events. Please refer to their guidelines for eligible items and selection criteria.
For grant opportunities visit:
Shire of Exmouth
The Shire of Exmouth Community Grants program aims to support the development of self-sustaining community groups and clubs and promote local economic development.
For grant opportunities visit:
Other GDC Funding
GDC Community Sponsorship Funding

Each year the Gascoyne Development Commission sponsors a small number of events or activities of regional significance. Our three categories include:
- Community Sponsorship
- Cultural Celebrations
- Industry Support
Sponsorship is generally limited to a maximum of $500 and is not available to meet capital expenses or normal operating costs.
To seek sponsorship from the Gascoyne Development Commission, please complete the form below online or through the link and email to
If you have any questions regarding sponsorships requests, please contact Courtney Whitehead at the Gascoyne Development Commission on (08) 9941 7010 or email
Web Forms - Gascoyne Development Commission Sponsorship Application
Application Form