Regional Employment

The Gascoyne has a diverse and stable economy with many employment opportunities in key industries including tourism, fishing, mining, horticulture and pastoralism. Across the region, there is a wide variety of tour companies, accommodation outlets, retail, cafes and restaurants, a large number of horticultural properties in Carnarvon, pastoral stations in the inland Gascoyne and a wide range of fisheries in Shark Bay, Carnarvon, Coral Bay and Exmouth.

There are many opportunities opening up including Indigenous and nature-based tourism opportunities in the inland Gascoyne and coastal areas.

Like the rest of Australia, the Gascoyne suffers from professional and skill shortages in the majority of these industries. Skill shortages range from semi to unskilled seasonal workers for the horticultural, fishing and tourism industries to qualified tradespeople for small business.

You can find a current vacancies for the Gascoyne via Seek. Current vacancies within the government sector can be found at

Local Government employment and careers pages:

Shire of Exmouth

Shire of Carnarvon

Shire of Shark Bay

Shire of Upper Gascoyne